In the Western World, New Year's is the one day of the year where the community draws together to celebrate in the spirit of good will and cheer. However, in India, Diwali – the Festival of Lights – is the liveliest time of year; an event in which the entire country takes part in a truly magical cultural gathering. This November India tour company The Great Indian Adventure and Pardada Pardadi Educational Society (PPES), a non-profit community organization that provides free education and job opportunities for women in impoverished villages, are coming together to host a grand Diwali celebration in Anupshahr.
Traditionally, Diwali is the celebration of the homecoming of Rama, half-God half-man, and the day that Lakshmi, the Goddess of wealth and beauty, chooses to grant blessings to her devotees. Indians light candles, fireworks, and immerse themselves in vibrant colors during this most important of Hindu festivals.
Coordinated by The Great Indian Adventure, the itinerary for Diwali with Pardada Pardadi Educational Society in Anupshahr includes:
Day One (Nov 8th): Arrive at Delhi airport and be transferred to Anupshahar for overnight stay at camp.
Day Two (Nov 9th): Experience a Village Theme Party with activities like henna tattoos, astrology, hair-braiding, Tonga rides, market shopping, “Bhangra” performances, and local dance by the girls of PPES.
Day Three (Nov 10th): Enjoy a leisurely boat ride on the Ganges River, the lifeblood of the Anupshahr village, and explore the countryside by bicycle.
Day Four (Nov 11th): Explore the school, engage in independent activities, and attend a performance of “Ram Leela,” a drama based on the life of Lord Rama and his triumphant battle with Ravana.
Day Five (Nov 12th): Drive back to Delhi airport to return home or travel further within India.
There is no finer way to enjoy an authentic slice of Indian life than to become a part of the community during Diwali. Experience more magical moments in the most beautiful country on earth by booking a vacation to India with The Great Indian Adventure. To book your travel to Anupshahr for Diwali or to learn about more adventures,
visit The Great Indian adventure online
or contact Pranav Chandra at (917) 783-9752 or pranav@thegreatindianadventure.com
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